The Mojave Max Assembly Applications are currently open and will remain open until Friday, October 12, 2018 at 3:00 pm. The Mojave Max Program provides educational assemblies in Fall and Winter of each year. The assemblies include appearances by a Ranger who discusses desert tortoise biology and conservation, an educator who discusses Mojave Desert weather which plays an important part in Mojave Max’s emergence, and the costumed Mojave Max mascot. Clark County teachers for grades 1-5, if you would like to request a Mojave Max Assembly and have the Mojave Max team visit your school to talk more about desert tortoises, the Mojave Desert and the Mojave Max Emergence Contest, please fill out an assembly application today! Regretfully, the Mojave Max team can only do 14 assemblies each season, but please don’t be discouraged! If we are unable to provide your school with a Mojave Max assembly, we can offer you an individual Tortoise Talk presentation which is just as fun!
