Emergence Contest
The Mojave Max Emergence Contest is OPEN
The Mojave Max Emergence Contest is currently open, and remains open until Mojave Max wakes up. Teachers and students, you can enter your guess as to when you think Mojave Max will emerge from his burrow by filling out the Emergence Contest Form. And teachers, you can enter guesses FOR ALL YOUR STUDENTS on one form!
What Is the Emergence Contest?
Mojave Max is a real live tortoise that lives at Springs Preserve. Every fall when the hot Las Vegas weather cools off, Max goes into his burrow to begin brumation. (This is how Max hibernates.) In the spring, when the weather begins to warm up, Max emerges. The student who guesses as closely as possible to the correct day, hour, and minute, without going over, that Max will emerge from his burrow wins!
Who Can Enter the Contest?
Students from Clark County, Nevada, in grades K-5, who are enrolled in public, private, and registered home schools are eligible to win all kinds of great prizes.
What Are the Prizes?
The grand prize winner and his or her entire class will win Mojave Max t-shirts, Mojave Max Olympic-style medals, a trophy for their school and a pizza party and field trip to Springs Preserve to see the real Mojave Max tortoise! The winner also receives a laptop computer, a Springs Preserve year-long family membership, an “America the Beautiful” year-long pass to National Parks and Federal Recreation areas and a backpack filled with outdoor goodies. The winner’s teacher will also receive a laptop computer!
What Are the Rules?
- Students from Clark County, Nevada, in grades K-5, who are enrolled in public, private, and registered homes schools of the Clark County School District (CCSD) are eligible to enter the contest.
- The student whose guess is closest to the day, hour, and minute, without going over, that Mojave Max first emerges from his burrow in the spring is the winner of the contest.
- Guesses may be entered up until the time that Mojave Max first emerges from his burrow in the spring.
- Students may enter the Mojave Max Emergence Contest only once per year. Additional entries will be disqualified. In the case of multiple entries, the entry with the earliest time stamp (the first entry) will be accepted.
- In the event of a tie, the student whose entry has the earlier time stamp will be declared the winner. In the unlikely event of tied entries with identical time stamps, the names will be placed into a hat and the winner will be chosen by a drawing.
- The official time of Mojave Max’s emergence is determined by the motion activated trail camera placed at the entrance of Mojave Max’s burrow when Mojave Max first emerges in the spring.
- Students must have the permission of their teacher(s) and parent(s) or guardian(s) to enter the contest.
- Contest guesses must be entered online at www.mojavemax.com in order to be eligible to win.
- Teachers may enter guesses on behalf of each of their students and each student’s guess must be entered separately, as there can only be one grand-prize winner.
- The Emergence Contest entry form must be completely filled out. Incomplete entries will be disqualified.
- Mojave Max contest representatives must be able to contact the student’s school in order for a student to be eligible to be recognized as the winner. In the event the first place winner is not eligible, the first runner up will be chosen. The recognized winner will be notified through their school, principal, and/or teacher.
- The contest winner must be currently enrolled as a Clark County School District student.
- As this is a newsworthy event, local media outlets are invited to video both the contest winner’s recognition ceremony as well as the winner’s field trip and pizza party. Students should have an external media release on file with the school office.
- Clark County reserves the right to change emergence contest prizes at its discretion.
When has Max emerged in the past?
To see past emergence times as well as view past winners, click on the following links:
Mojave Max Emergence Times
Mojave Max Winners
Resources for students and teachers
Mojave Max believes in enjoying his desert home and he wants everyone to learn how to keep it safe, how to Respect it, Protect it, and Enjoy it. To do that, he and his friends have collected many fun resources that will help you get started exploring his world.